Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 96

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  1. I stopped wathing in 2x for a good minute and it hurt. What the hell omg. I never wanna experience that again LMAOO

  2. Did JA become a mother just to rule over her children and frustrate their lives???My blood is boiling..At what point does she actually stop?Does she want all four of her kids to be miserable? And why isn’t Eun Sung telling not to call her line anymore? I mean I broke up with your son,what else do you want?GOSH!!!!😡😡😡🤬I hope CY and DG don’t indulge JA in her madness and make a fuss about the whole Ha Young thing and trust that their son can make good decisions for himself. I mean they raised a good human being.

  3. Garam’s mom is up to no good and the naive Shins will not catch on but she will face the wrath of EunA and Sun Joo when the truth is known but poor Garam, he will be hurt.

    “How old are you?” Is grandpa Shin’s favorite question 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

    Now that EunHyuk and HaYoung are on Jong Ae’s radar, maybe she will lay off SW and ES? Wonder how JE is gonna meddle in EH-HY relationship?

  4. ⚠ Spoilers Ahead!

    CLAP CLAP CLAP My Eun-A was so clever to come up with the term “win-win”. However, she was not so clever to know that it was a scammer who came up with that concept. There is no such thing as a “win-win”. There is only one winner and there must be a loser. The trick is to convince the loser that he also won, though by not an equal amount, usually getting the smaller slice of the pie. Hence “win-win”, is an euphemism for I won more than you and making the other person feel sooo good.

    Ha! Just as I thought, Hye-Young just came back to dig for gold, to get money from Min-Kook and his family. I bet Ga-Ram is neither hers or Min-Kook’s biological son. Just some random baby she had come across and dumped him on Min-Kook. He should have done a DNA test but maybe he already knew that he was not his since he had not had aerobics with her. However, he thinks that Ga-Ram is Hye-Young’s biological son and accepted him becasue of his forever ‘sarang’ for her. Fool!

    Another possible scenario is that Ga-Ram is Hye-Young’s son and she and his biological dad came back to scam Min-Kook and her family. Whatever it is, I am all for it. That is the price he pays for his stupidity. I hope he kills himself this time, out of shame. He is a waste of earth’s oxygen.

  5. yaaay finally subs… so i was right that garam’s mom has bad intentions… poor kid, gonna be heartbroken..

  6. There is no need to add other characters to make ES or SW jealous.

    Their relationship is already very boring and has no vibe.

    There’s also no need for all these permissions here and there , or trembling coz someone saw you holding hands from adults over 35years.

  7. Still hate ES for breaking up with SW. How many here want him to actually get together with that new woman? I want ES to feel jealous and regret her actions. But instead the writers introduce a new guy for her as well!
    And why is mama biatch angry? She liked HY with one son but not with the other??
    Honestly this drama is full of hateful characters or wimps!

  8. how can you trust that woman who’s been gone for 6 years…. yup! they’ve been played well.
    now, this almighty mother.. still messing up her sons lives.. later on, no children will stay with her. I will just laugh

  9. SJA wanna ruins everyone’s relationships.. now she doesnt like hayoung becuz hayoung didnt want to do anymore shit to eunsung…

  10. garam’s mom was very relactent to eat, makes me think that she had some disorders and the reason she ranaway was becuz of depression from her looks and such… or even something worse than that since she looked omnious regading that money and phone call

  11. This drama portrays most of the characters here are so deceitful. Dumb ES.. JA called her out she is going to high tail over.. UNBELIEVABLE! One more thing.. children over 30 still have to ask permission to date… give me a brake.. R we in the pre-historic age here or what?

  12. Ep 97 written preview. Good for Sunjoo and Eunah
    From the preview like is expected, Hye-yoon has some hidden agenda for coming back i guess.

    Episode 97 Preview

    Jeong-ae, who witnessed Eun-hyuk and Ha-young being friendly, asks what kind of relationship they have… After seeing Garam happy with Min-guk and Hye-yoon, Eun-ah and Seon-ju give up on Min-guk. Meanwhile, Eun-seong and Je-ha sit together with Seon-woo and Ji-yeon, who come to the same restaurant…