Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 130

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  1. 😂😂😂 I called it on this bullshit!!!!

    Also I totally loved what the old neighbourhood gossip told her about wanting to believe the rumour instead of her husband.

  2. The good old dailies like Life is Beautiful and Ojakgyo Brothers were so good that we can still enjoy them! The present day ones are crap. I still get the shudders when I think of Red Shoes and Good Supper ! ( I hope I got these names right!) This series was one of the worst! Recently I saw another one , ‘Love Returns’ in which half way through most of the bad guys become Mother Theresas!

  3. I knew it. Supermom CY slides into home base. I can’t. It’ll just have to end w/o me. Definitely her Karma, but of course the way they’ve spun it, JA is just to be happy, forgive, forget & lose all of her kids to this woman a second time. Take 1 for the team? Take 2? 3? What the…

  4. This is typical of Kdramas. Most 100+ episodes dramas started off really well then by the 15th it goes downhill and they always ended with someone you who believed that they’ve been the victim and play the victim card for almost the entire episodes ended up saving the person they’ve bullied as a form of redemption. This plot is getting old and I (international viewer) am tired of it. They need to invest in their writers or reduce the episodes so the can produce a series. Long episodes without an plot is beyond annoying and unnecessary.

    Congratulations to those who watched the entire series from ep1 to now. You alone have one more episode to put up with and to those who started but gave up and come back in the latter episodes, you’ve done your best.

    This series had a promising start but became a let down pretty quickly. What a waste of the actors and actresses potential.