Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 129

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  1. The final moments when the doctor announces the donor that matches her, reminded me of the Oscars or the American idol finale. And the winner is……. Then there is an ad! 😂

  2. to MK and SJ interaction was the highlight of the drama sorry the didn’t choose to them together they were the most liveliest couple unfortunately to late to say I stop watching i guest the writers will give her her she had in the beginning to make amends

  3. OMG
    Would it have killed the moron writers to throw is a bone and have MG give EA a freaking kiss when he confessed his feelings for her. What is this a drama from the 1950’s 😒
    they can’t even manage to get that right.
    that’s the only thing I was interested in seeing today

  4. After receiving her diagnosis, Chun Young is taken aback to realize that her sole chance for treatment rests on a transplant. Dong Gu reassures Chun Young that things will work out, and they agree it’s best to inform their children about the illness. Without hesitation, all three children and Dong Gu opt to undergo transplant screening tests.