Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 127

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  1. It is another boring episode, nothing but just arguing, I should have given up long time ago.
    Nothing interesting, sick and tired of watching them quarrelling the same topic about 30 years ago affairs, It is a boring drama, they running fried chicken store and Cafe, no customer in the shops.Jung Ae is a wicked MIL always find fault with Eun Sung because she hated her because of her mother having an affair with her father, it is ridiculous. And she hope that Sun Woo divorce Eun Sung. I don’t know why Eun Sung don’t choose Jae Joon, he is much better than Sun Woo, more caring. Sun Woo is weak always give in to his mother, accept today episode he defend Eun Sung. If she choose Jae Joon none of this unnecessary arguments and there is no peace living in the same house with MIL.Her MIL is a control freaks and abusive. I will go mental if I am Eun Sung.
    Stupid Scriptwriter, nothing interest about this drama.
    My Rating for this drama is 1/10 Watch Value:0

  2. lol SJA completely forgot that the reason for her suffering aka loosing her kids was soley the blame of her own sister who lied…. since DG didnt have intention to seperate her from the kids and even agreed with her that she would raise them, but becuz the sister didnt tell him that she had an accident, and didnt tell her that DG is about to leave korea.. she suffered for so many years. not becuz of the divorce: if she did rly luv him she would have listened to the landlady & would trust her husband. what did she wanted her ex to put the kids in an orphanges or something? ofc he took them with him as responsible adult since becuz of the sis the mother was no contact

  3. Regardless of its veracity, Jung Ae experiences a sense of shame due to the media’s portrayal of an unfavorable incident involving Eun Sung, leading her to harbor minimal trust in Eun Sung. Matters escalate when Sun Woo supports Eun Sung, leaving Jung Ae disappointed. Feeling compelled to resolve Eun Sung’s predicament, Sun Woo steps out of the house, taking Eun Sung with him.

  4. Friday can’t come quick enough. I’m so sick of the mother f**King show and all half assed acting and the stomach turning writing!!