Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 126

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  1. ES don’t have the sense of a dead duck!!
    She’s not some random woman that’s married she’s an actress that’s married to
    the/a director. At least what’s his face who is supposed to be well known should’ve known that it only takes one thing no matter how simple or small to cause a scandal.

  2. I’m glad MG’s mom saw sense but I wasn’t satisfied with that slap. It wasn’t nearly enough she should’ve slapped that chick so hard she fell into the next drama.

  3. Ga Ram has been suffering silently He knows his mother didn’t go to Vietnam She ran away abandoned him again

    He us scared that his grandma will abandon him too with the change in her behavior

    ATM none of the characters are important than GR MG n his mom
    Others are just being ridiculous
    2 MIL being MIL from hell
    2 DIL being angels

    EA being ridiculous
    2 FIL have their mouth taped