Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 125

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  1. this girl is killing me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    the expressions that be on her face 🤭
    good for some eye rolling laughs

  2. Ugh, I hate how korean shows make blood ties such important thing…. the way they make adoption shameful and show how blood ties are more important than anything….

    This is why there is a lot of kdramas where the parents are super toxic and evil, but the kids must support all the mistreating and accept everything because they are their parents……. or how they try to make kids repent for their parents crimes/shameful behavior because they share blood ties…..

  3. Wtf
    I’ll have to rewatch this but MG’s mom needs to stop what she’s doing. The way she turned away from the little kid. That was not right at all!! None if this is his fault and she’s loved him as her grandson for all those years. I get that she’s in shock but she should at least not make the kid feel like he’s done something wrong. She needs to see that blood ain’t everything. The look on her face in the preview for the next ep. is also looking like she’s turned ice cold towards the kid still.
    EH/HY need to immediately move out of CY/DG’s house. I wouldn’t want that kind of stress even if I wasn’t pregnant if I was HY. ES dumb as box or rocks. She’s bringing more unnecessary problems on herself. And the fact that she’s still yelling oppa to that guy is I don’t even know what to say. 🙄🤦🏽‍♀️