Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 122

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  1. another waste of time🤣
    unnecessary arguments and comments.
    till now there’s no reasonable chemistry between ES and SW
    dressing and fashion sense in this drama is something else.
    why did EH wear black?

    here for hayoung/ EH couple atleast they have a vibe

  2. Same hairstyle, different vibes given off.

    Yu Donggu, Unpredictable Family (2023)

    Nam Yeonsuk, Woman in a Veil (2023)

  3. 🙄Not really interested in today’s ep. 😒
    I just wanted to see if they’d have the EA character dress up a bit for the wedding and just as I figured they not only had her looking bad but everyone was dressed like crap. SJ was dressed rather nice except for those ugly ass shoes she had on. Sadly even with that she sounded and acted like a teenager.
    Besides that everyone else dressed for the wedding looked terrible.
    I was also expecting for CY to be the one that didn’t know the meaning of the word boundaries. The next ep SJ gonna be barging into SW’s bedroom 🙄SERIOUSLY!!😒😒

    And the little kids mom 😒 I really wish they would’ve just quietly killed her off.
    Who is she to be talking about making sure the little kid not hurt🙄
    if she would’ve left and stayed gone then there would be no issue of clearly worrying about what the little kid might find out about her. It must be something pretty bad.