Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 112

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  1. Jung Ae and Dal Yong are shocked to find out they’re Eun Hyuk and Ha Young’s parents. Remembering their rocky start, they promise not to approve of their kids’ marriage. But everything changes when Ha Young announces she’s pregnant. After the chaos, Jung Ae drunkenly calls Chun Young, blaming her for not keeping Eun Hyuk in line.

  2. I can see where ES gets those confused dumbfounded looks from. She and her father both looks like they just fell off the turnip truck.

    OMG.. at least the jacka** JA knows that EH/HY should live on their own and will help them find a place.. I’ll give her that much credit 🫤
    but CY already wanting them to live with her and DG🙄 as if I didn’t already know that was what was going to happen. I can already see CY trying to guilt trip EH into them living with them and HY not wanting to rock the boat and going along with it.🤦🏽‍♀️

  3. Seems like JA made a mistake and told SW something weird when she was drunk……. he will soon conect the dots and find out he is not her bio son.

  4. SW will soon discover that mama biatch is not his real mom. ES for once opened her mouth against mama biatch. I enjoyed the look on mama biatch’s face when she discovered that the lady was pregnant and she had to allow the marriage. Priceless! Not that the other mom is any better! Stubborn fools trying to control their children’s lives!

  5. It seems we’re finally moving forward…8 episodes to go. Been a while since ES had a backbone for something. But really SW’s is really a piece of work, I haven’t seen a mother/parent-figure like this in a while since Still loving you and Homemade love story where it was the grandmother’s that were horrid.