Unpredictable Family (2023) Episode 104

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  1. ⚠ Spoilers Ahead!

    Ha! Another bombshell! Sun-Woo is not Mama Biatch’s biological son but that of Chairman Kang from a previous marriage. So Sun-Woo and Eun-Sung are remotely related. Mama Biatch was being dishonest when she opposed their marriages.

    Will there be another bombshell? That is, Ga-Ram is not Magoo Min’s biological son but that of Hye-Young’s ‘cousin’. Anyway, he found that Hye-Young lied about her ‘cousin’ being in Vietnam and he was slow in ferreting out the truth. Hello? Her mother is supposedly seriously ill, so what is she doing in S. Korea? That should have rung a bell, like the Tsar Bell in Moscow, the world’s largets bell.

    Meanwhile, the Dodo Sisters found out about Hye-Young and her ‘cousin’ and they stopped themselves from telling Magoo Min because of G-Ram. I hate these Keep-Secret Syndrome. It is very irritating to see this shit behavior which is bereft of any rationality.

    Finally, did anyone noticed Mr. Red-Sea-Parting’s hair right after he got up from sleep? Its shape resembles more like a woman’s v….. Get some hair gel, dude and restyle your hair. It is disgusting to see something that resembles that, especially when he also has face that resembles a woman’s bottom.

  2. loool they aged them 2 years from the start of the show.. since they said back in the first 50 episodes that sunwoo was 32, and eunha was said to be 37. which means eunhyuk was 33 (cuz hes 4 years apart with her)… we know its been about a year in the show timeline… but now eunhyuk is 36 and sunwoo 35 which makes eunha 40 o———o .. i think writers forgot their timeline. since it was also said few episodes ago that they got seperated 30 years ago, which makes eunhyuk 33 (max 34)

  3. I knew it! SW’s mom is so petty, she is ruining her children’s happiness to satisfy her ego. The grandpa was right about her, when he told her off during their car/coffee incident.

  4. Slowly Garam’s dad is waking up ! ES’s parents discover SW’s birth secret! Thank God today’s episode didn’t have those two who were latching on to SW and ES!

  5. SW said he is 35. The same age as EH. So there you have it. 😂 JA lied. No surprise.

    **edited because now EH is 36. I guess he had a birthday off screen. Lol.

  6. Episode 105 Preview
    In response to Do-cheol’s lie that he is in Vietnam, not Korea, Min-guk goes to the house where Hye-yoon lives… and Je-ha confesses to Eun-seong that he likes her. Meanwhile, Seon-woo, who declared to Jeong-ae that he will return to Eun-seong, goes to the practice room where Eun-seong is…