The Third Marriage (2023) Episode 75

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  1. The drama which will replace this one is The Brave Yong Soo Jung with Uhm Hyun Kyung, 120 episodes. I am happy she is back after the Second Husband and giving birth to a baby boy.

    By the way The Third Marriage was extended to 122 episodes.

  2. Well the mother (unknowingly) slaps biological daughter moment finally happened. Since it is a K drama must it was bound to happen sooner or later. What annoys me is that the biological daughter never unknowingly slaps her mother back. Filial piety is big in this culture so the writers won’t allow DJ to slap back or disrespect Noel no matter how outrageous Noel behaves. Which sucks because it basically means a biological parent can do whatever evil they want to their child and the child for filial piety sake has no choice to accept it and still be grateful too. In my culture we cut off toxic people from our lives no matter who they are, but that is my culture and this is theirs so I will just accept and respect it.
    I just hope that Noel actually does something to help her daughter later, instead of just expecting forgiveness without apology because she gave birth to DJ.

  3. Noel is shameless, I can’t wait for her to find out that Da Jung is her little daughter she abandoned. Yo Han sends the evidence of Se Ran’s crime he gathered for years to Da Jung anonymously to help her in secret. Furthermore, he warns Se Ran to stay away from Da Jung. However, Se Ran plots another scheme to sabotage both Da Jung and Yo Han by sending a video them at the hotel when they first met unknowingly. Meanwhile, Noel barges into Je Guk’s home and insists on staying at his place together.

  4. Lolz Noel left her child fr money n now she z moral policing????? Better she never accepts her as a mom n treat her like a trash. If possible I want to see her death. M feeling dizzy with this bs. Only in dramas she can come back shamelessly that too after divorcing willingly.