The Third Marriage (2023) Episode 129

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  1. ⚠ Spoilers Ahead!

    Sniff! Sniff! I recommend Chairman Satan to watch “The Scent of A Woman” (SBS, 2011), then maybe he could have unmasked Molly. What an idiot! His mind is so evil that it has become cooked.

    No police report was made by the Dumbo Brigade of the kidnapping and attempted murder of Molly and Do-Do Yo, so Kim, Chairman’s Lapdog, is running around free to commit more crimes. I love Korea, one can commit crimes and the victims do not report to the Police. Viva la Korea! Here I come.

    Tara! Out comes the infamous bank book. That dimwit, Sang-Cheol., had won the lottery, $1m. Fortunately this time it was only one bank book, in other dramas it is usually a few, just to save $5k. Hello? Do people still use bank books in S. Korea? I thought they had gone extinct in this digital age of the Internet and online banking. I can’t remember the last time I saw a bank book!

    The Kims are an evil clan, in this drama all the wicked people are named Kim. There was Kim, Chairman Satan’s lapdog, Kim the corrupt factory manager and there was another Kim, I forgot what he did. Spot any Kims in your life? Be careful.

  2. if u want to giv money its ok but dont let sr take it.let sc happy with the money n leave sr feel the unfairness sc did bad thing but SR is the evil among all so she should be homeless with her mother n living with the unfair feeling for the rest of her life.thats the best pay coz that stupid sc also dont fall for her evil trick anymore.

  3. The Scriptwriter and the director is definitely an idiot, another stupid episode seeing JC teasing Seran mother with a piece of meat and that is not what I am interested to watch, waiting for the punishment to take place but still showing us the stupidity screen time instead of the punishment.
    Worst drama in History.
    Waste of time. Very Frustrating! 😡😡😡🥵🥵🥵

  4. Too bad , there is no preview 😈
    JC will lose the money he won in the lottery….. it will be probably stolen by SR or her mother and injected as an investment in Wang’s project, which we know will fail….