The Third Marriage (2023) Episode 110

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  1. ⚠ Spoilers Ahead!

    Wow! Latest surveillance method! Do not let the N. Koreans know about this. Ms Satan got her mom a dog kennel to hide in the patio and to eavesdrop on conversations and it worked! Now the chase is on between the teams to recover the USB that contained a video clip which had placed Ms Satan with Duk-Sook when he was killed. Also, no one noticed the absence of a dog or looked into the kennel! Oh! I know, they are all dumbf..ks.

    So that is how to fill airtime for the extended drama. In addition, there were more inexplicable human behavior. Dodo-Yo did not tell Hae-Il, aka Noel, Molly’s mom, that An-Na is her granddaughter. He told her about the baby switching by Ms. Satan and she was not curious enough to wonder where her grandchild is. Amazing! I guess that it was so insignificant that Dodo Yo chose not tell her she has a grandchild and who was living right under her nose, literally.

    Then the old fart, Mdm Bo-Bae did not report to the police about her stolen recipe, the secret soy sauce and the golden toad. What was more amazing was that Ms. Satan managed to avoid the multiple criminal charges even though there was strong circumstantial evidence because of Chairman Satan’s high connections. So what with the USB? Ms Satan will escape once again.

    I wish there had been better materials for this extended drama (by 12 episodes), new characters and new faces, like “In Cold Blood” but that is another story for another time. For now just settle in for more Tom and Jerry tomfoolery (pun intended, very).

  2. I am happy that Noel will order SR around so she won’t be able to take the bag. But there is still SC who will steal it.

  3. I think we just have to stay frustrated with this drama. We already know that in the end, DJ and YH will win. It’s just the idiotic steps they take to get there.

  4. YH stopped Noel from getting drown after he found out that she’s DJ birth mom. JG the creep sent SC to spy on DJ and report everything back to him. DJ called YH and took him about USB and bag, SR’s mom heard everything smh 🤦‍♀️. They just talk anyhow without being conscious about what they say.

  5. Dumbo dailies always revolve around usb n completely unaware of saving files in cloud 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️n sending emails 🤦🏻‍♀️

    F how that bag reached random stranger??? 🙄