The Third Marriage (2023) Episode 103

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  1. what was that preview??? it was like pass the parcel when in reality no one wants to give it up then you got DJ yanking that shit from SC hands and running off that was funny as hell

    And the Soy Sauce secret in a Jar of salt ? WHY?!?! i could think of a million different places to hide that

  2. Aside from Seran and her mom, Noel is dumbass and annoying since ep1. No character development or anything. What is she expecting by asking the obvious question to the chairman! I can’t stand her she don’t deserve Da Jung.

  3. ⚠ Spoilers Ahead!

    Aha! Duk-Soo’s phone came into the action (I had forgotten about that thing already) and it fell into the hands of the wimp, Sang-Cheol. Funny, Molly had been living with An-Na all this while and she had not seen the phone while Wimpy took one look at a distance and immediately recognised that it was Duk-Soo’s.

    In the preview, there was some snatching action among the three muppets, Molly, Ms Satan and Wimpy and Molly won. She hurried to the car where Dodo-Yo was waiting. I wonder if they managed to see the contents of the phone. There are 29 episodes left so I guess something will prevent them from discovering the truth. Maybe Ms Satan will snatch it back. That is how one drags the show to 132 episodes.

    What a place to hide the soy sauce recipe, in a jar full of salt! Hello, have they not heard of bank vaults? As usual the villains always get their hands on items of interest first. Ms Satan will surrender the secret recipe to Chairman Satan and do some kind of despicable deal.

    Meanwhile Dodo was trying to get the truth out of Director Yeo but failed in his attempt, as usual. His life is one big failure. Molly should get Chairman Satan to extract truths from adversaries. He is better, way better, at doing that sort of things. How about one night of passionate aerobic session with him, eh, Molly?. He would be so over the moon and gladly comply with her request. Just make it good, fulfill all his fantasies. Men are dumb creatures and they are easily won over with food and aerobics.

  4. Sang Chul witnesses An Na with Duk Soo’s phone and manages to take it from her. He uses the phone to bargain with Se Ran for money as it contains crucial evidence of her crime. As both Sang Chul and Yo Han threaten her with evidence, Se Ran is on the edge of her seat. Meanwhile, Ae Ja finds the soy sauce recipe that Bo Bae hid. SeRan told Sang Chul that it was JiHoon that killed their daughter Song Yi.