Playboyy (2023) Episode 10

Category: Playboyy (2023)

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  1. I just saw AFTER the endcredits a extra scene, no subtitles.
    And somewhere along the episodes i missed the deflowering of Zoey?

  2. Oh for crying out loud! Again, aside from Zouey/Phee, Phop/Nuth.., Here goes our scummy Playboyy dimwits and their little rabid sausage torturing velociraptors doing the most to outskank each other. I love the hot banging makeout scenes in this series, but eww, First just killed it with the scene of him giving Puen a manual hand in colonoscopy, gross! lol.. Aob is so fine, but it looks like that coke be cokin’ his brain, a waste, lol.. Captain/Porsche fakeness is cosmically unavoidable and someone or something needs to shut it down, lol. Then there’s Nont, still, on his existential dreadful quest for revenge, when he could just go to the police. Prom should’ve just told him everything from the beginning, but ehh, whatever! If a colostomy bag was a person, it’d be First, Nont, Porsche and Captain is the waste in it, lol.. They’re not capable of devoting themselves exclusively to one person. So to hope to be made happy by love is a certain cause of grief for all these dk riders, lmao! Looks like Daddy has come home to roost, or roast, lol.. I just knew when I saw popcorn in between Zouey’s legs, Phee was about to eat, and devour he did.., lol.. rip Nont… oops, gotta go! Happy Friday/Weekend! Adjiossss!

  3. Ok, now i am in de Lulu world.
    Nant is pretending to be Nont, Nont played an additional role of “Nant” to be found dead in the forest. Maybe Twins fool everyone, and Prom, pretending that Nont was looking for a dog man mask, to distract all of them from the real investigation .
    That is why that side looks from Zoey. Since Nant was his closest friend or maybe he even loved him, he can see that Nont is actually Nant.
    I have noticed that Zoey sometimes gives that strange look at Nont and says that everyone wearing masks.

  4. Holy sh*t. Aob is Nuth’s boss!? That’s so scary.

    There were so many moving parts in this, my brain is going crazy.
    – Song works for Daddy Lee, whom everybody has found out is a pedophile (& owner of Playboyy).
    – Zouey’s freak flag is flying & he’s asserting more dominance in sexy time with Teena.
    – First is on a BDSM bender, hurting playboys so badly that they’re quitting. Violating Puen to the point where he prob ripped him a new a*shole leading to Aob seeking revenge & scaring First damn near to death.
    – Captain continuing to be the a*shole he is & exposing Keen’s face in a s*x video leading to him getting expelled? (there was not translation for that scene)
    – Nant is officially dead & Nont is spiraling (understandably) but still on the hunt for the truth. Especially after Prom was exposed as knowing EVERY little detail about Nant’s disappearance.

    I can’t wait for next week’s episode!

  5. I’m sorry but they disrespected popcorn and I am livid about it. How dare they ruin popcorn like that? lol sorry, I like popcorn way too much.

  6. Mr Lee Aka little shxt’s Daddy but not so “Daddy” really came and caused havoc without lifting a finger 🤣😂🤣. When he beat the crap out of him, I was cheering. Because Porsche had it coming from a mile away. And should have gotten more backhands, lol
    Captain really does not understand accountability at all. He was talking out of his a$$ with those cute little threats 🙄. The less problematic one out of them all gets expelled?? Like where is the Justice in this ⚖️
    But seriously if Prom opened his puffer fish mouth and told Nont regarding the mask and video. It would have saved us loads of eps and we could have found Nant. Cause this was feeling like finding Nemo 🐠 to a certain degree.

    goodness Prom, protect yourself, jeez.
    Keen kicking out Cpt. yup!!
    But that hug that Teena gives to Paintbrush was so heartfelt and warm. Got me choked up a bit.

    Here’s the thing. Nant was killed 48 hrs ago. Who did it??? like for real???

    the look those boys gave Cpt. when he said that about the selfie was hilarious. (and deserved)

    Porche needs therapy. and so does Jump. (for going back to him. so abusive)

    uh, someone explain the scarf on Nont’s head please. lol…and now he’s hallucinating?? He’s so distraught, understandably so.

    oh dang! Prom sitting on that bed in the leather harness, hair all tousled, looking FINE!

    ok. so when Nant hung himself, Prom was there. We figured someone was.
    Gotta say, Nant didn’t seem like a strung out junkie. He had a plan. even if somewhere it back fired.

    I agree that Prom should have told Nont what he knew from the beginning.

    Why are rich boys getting scholarships??

    ohhh, so we finally meet Daddy?? he’s pretty good looking.
    his kinks must be over the top considering where Porche is. lol

    wait, wait, wait. Is pizza boy following Daddy? as in his new job?? didn’t one of you besties call that??? lol

    oiy these boys are messed up. blondie going ALL IN and Puen taking it for 12K. goodness.
    Aob and Puen arguing about not caring for eo. smh.
    I really didn’t need the close up of the bloody towel. ick.

    wtactual heck????? it’s a BAG OF POPCORN, not a magical entrance to downtown. I just don’t get this director. oh dear lord, the view from inside the bag??? I really really can’t.
    Wonder why they brought in Tutor (helmet head looks a bit better this ep) ? Did we need another drama here?

    dang, Puen is in trouble. Well, I thought I liked Keen, and felt sorry for him, but now I’m not so sure. lol again, the bloody tissues….I mean clean up. ack!!
    Cpt keeps coming up with new ways to be a bigger POS. You don’t threaten someone you just proclaimed you loved.

    wait wait wait…I thought Prom and Porche were brothers?? But apparently Porche’s parents were servants of Daddy (Jason Lee), and died in a car crash. So Daddy keeps him as a boy toy, not actually a son. Where does that leave Prom??

    and after all that, Porche is apologetic to Jump??

    AOB???????? whoa. tucking that gun in his pants was hot though. what the freak am I actually watching???
    i didn’t think this show would go even darker. but Aob sticking that gun down blondie’s throat and threatening him and beating him up was ohmgosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess he has some seriously deep and disturbing feelings for Puen.

    and from that to Phob joking Nuth??

    and those boys all stand around while Daddy grabs Porche and looks like he’s about to hurt him again.

  8. Zouye got choked Teena with his cheese sausage.
    Why did Zouye give Nont a strange look 👀?
    Nont is very strong even if he is drunk.
    Nont likes Prom, Prom loved Nant for real. Prom misses Nant and wants to replace that empty spot with Nont.
    The younger generation is much crueler and tricky than adults but only Nont is the most innocent compared to all these groups of people.

    Prom knows that Blondie is that pervert who hurts his employees but still allows it.

    I am glad that Blondie got a perfect lesson on what not to do!
    Jason Lee is a big sheeet in the world
    What was Nant up to and got killed in the process?

  9. Playboyy is ruining a LOT of food🚩
    What are they planning, on making us DIET?? 🤨
    Seriously why mess around with popcorn? WHY? 😫

    PAINTBRUSH I am 👀 you. Ruining a snack for me with your model tsk shameless, and then acting all hacker today and that side-eye he gave Nont was again sus AF.

    I know I shouldn’t be laughing but LMAO Nont looked like a grannie with that scarf. Also Captain you POS, “Your dad is really cool. If we weren’t at a funeral, I would have asked for a selfie.” really bish? 🤨 is it really the right time for that. He reminded me of an ex friend of mine, which was probably worse than him… not a good reminder.

    Captain and Porsche KARMA better hit you like a truck or I will. What kind of delusion are they living in? They are in love their s3xual partners?? After the sh!t they put them through it’s very unlikely. Keen and Jump probably deserve better than those RICH tbag pricks. 🤨

    Phop sweet cheeks since you’re reporting your so not missing boyfriend might as well report this erm plot? 🤣😂🤣🤣 it’s messy and all over the place. Just sayin’ 💅

    Aob went all like don’t mess with my smooth almond loverboy unless you want a taste of your own medicine. Blondie was warned not to return to Playboyy Club. Otherwise, it’s come in peace or leave in pieces. The thing is. He never learns. 🙄

    Puen never messed with these group of rich kids but now they are messing around with him and for lame egotistical reasons. Blondie wants to dive into BDSM, sure go ahead, but learn things first, because what he is doing just ain’t it. It’s just a rich spoiled brat wanting to buy others into trying out extreme things that not even him knows what or how to do. I hope someone does him the same thing he did to Puen so he feels how it feels like. Aob wasn’t rough, he could’ve done that or a lot worse.

    The highlight of today was Keen taking care of Puen and also having a final word with Captain, hope he doesn’t get foolishly swayed into those love BS. The same goes for Jump. I swear they can be so gullible sometimes. As if helmet guy would wait and not use that golden opportunity and evidence in hands.

    Also what’s up with Pizzaboy he hasn’t been delivering pizzas anymore, he got a new job too. What the heck is he now? Daddy Lee new bodyguard? His secretary maybe?

    DADDY IS IN TOWN. And what do you know a total PRICK. Nothing new. 🤣🚩

  10. Mr Lee is bringing alll the messy sauceeee.. Porschhe babyy DADDY IS HOMEEEEEEE.. 🤣🤣🤣 KARMA HAS ARRIVED

    Aob with Blondie.. U GON LEARN TODAYYYYYY !!.. seeing Aob giving Blondie a piece of his own medicine was everythinggg.. do it again 🤣Blondie really is out here being a menace to the playboyy society and hurting these men. He really fisted Puen nd hurt him bad.

    I need someone to go after Captain nd give him some schooling as well. I wonder if Captain really reported Keen? I saw that expulsion letter nd said wat a POS. But Captain never let Puen explain that it was Blondie who fked his shiet up.. 🙃.. Somehow Keen seems to be in the middle of several couples.. not even by doing anything bad but getting caught up in the BS. All the dudes here blackmail each other into being in relationships with them.. how did they expect any type of loyalty?