In Cold Blood (2024) Episode 89

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  1. ⚠ Spoilers Ahead!

    Here we go again, round and round the mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. All these ‘sophisticated’ schemes to nail Hye-Ji. She should have put in jail already for

    (1) Kidnapping Hye-Won’s son, etc. Now that Yi-Cheol had recovered he can testify that he did not permit her to take him and the hypnotherapist can testify about the illegal procedure too

    (2) Murder of the nurse. Hello, she was found dead and Hye-Ji’s had fled. This is strong circumstantial evidence. I am sure the CCTV would have shown Hye-JI fleeing the room with the spork and blood on her hands.

    So now Hye-Won is going to plant a spork but how will she get Hye-Ji’s fingerprints on it? The nurse’s blood too. Go on, tell me Ms ‘Cleverly’ Hye-Won.

  2. Ok, over the course of the 2nd half, Hyewon was NEVER treated a criminal, not even after Min Jayoung framed her over Maid Okja’s death.(And I have no sympathy over the maid literally…, but I worry her daughter being used by Hyewon) People only know her as a good person because she was raised well no thanks to the effect of the whisper living with her father after the separation. But there’s no clear explanation on how she goes through San Deul’s mother on a contractual marriage(Other than her abuse), but it’s no worse than Hyeji’s situation honestly….

    Today, she did one thing that warrants criticism over her intentions. In another drama, this method of scheme was met with alot of heat on Na young in Suji and Uri:

    From Episode 29 of the romance comedy drama, Su Ji was forced to leave her job. Nayoung clearly took advantage of that man filming their argument as a way to get back at So Ji. This isn’t a revenge drama and So Ji struggled to fix her relationship with her adopted sister(And it gets hilarious from here as she willingly allows her sister to take her ex, even though Nayoung is stealing her boyfriend and even stalking him). The show hasn’t reach its 2nd half yet.

    Hyewon doing the same thing, but on a different narrative and tone. Hyeji didn’t come to YJ Group to harass her.(And not since after the incident with Yongki) Hyewon’s true goal is break Hyeji as many know her as a person who do bad things. The definition of a Makjang drama is summarized here. Hyewon went to the extreme. If this is heroic, then her viewers are rooting for her. Why did Hyewon wanted this when the opportunity for the sisters reconciliation was possible when Hyeji loss her memory? The people Hyewon used had costed their lives to make Hyeji miserable for her actions in the first half. Hyewon isn’t technically sorry for the whisper imo. She savors the fruits of her growth as a good person before the sisters fate began.

    People drop this drama for being sadistic and unfair, but that’s the whole point about Makjang and the grey morality isn’t safe, but Hyewon makes it safe for her because of her good reputation with Yoon Yi Chul backing her. This isn’t what her real father wanted, but Yoon Yi chul is now HER father…..

    I tried to stay neutral in the show until I seen through much of the background behind Hyewon’s intentions and Yi Chul’s secret collaboration at the start of the 2nd half. They want to avenge the nurse at the asylum, but spit on Cha Ji Eun’s innocent in the face? So be it… I’ve already made my choice, but how the show ends become unpredictable. Depending on how good Hyewon covers herself and how flawed Hyeji is.

    So Ji: I lost my job over this horrendous act…

    Hyeji: You’re lucky, you get the protagonist romance heroine treatment. I switch between Villainess and Anti Heroine. Here’s my advice: Don’t give up reconciling with your sister because my sister already has. I’m trying to keep myself sane because I’ve already lost it once!

  3. Subs not out yet:

    So Hyewon now resorts to paparazzis against her sister and pulled a Na Young(From Soji and Uri) on that scene….