In Cold Blood (2024) Episode 86

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  1. Now all this is because of HW. She’s the one that put her sister in that place and now they are scrambling to try and help that dumb fool director of the hospital🙄 HW with her two male lackies 😒 still blinded by whatever they seem to still see in her.
    As for their mother and her equally vile husband😒
    She actually had the nerve to start crying when HW confronted her. She needed to take those tears and shove them where the sun don’t shine.

    HW oh she’s killed there’s nothing she won’t do now…. I’m scared… I’m frightened… 🙄girl please
    Plus HW still not facing the fact that all this stems from that one thing she told her sister when they were separated as kids. Why is it everyone else’s fault… the mother/father and step father… but acting still as if she bears no blame or is it she just don’t want to face her part in what’s become of her sister. HJ then came in and said some stuff kinda touched around the subject but still didn’t say a word about that faithful day. Why are the writers still having the HJ character dancing around that for petes sake even now!!
    YC will you just go ahead and die already. 🙄

  2. Watching from KBS Drama as the subs aren’t up here:

    Yi Chul tries to poison his own drink and trick Hyeji into drinking it, but some random plot guy saved her at the last minute. Mistaken for Hyewon, Hyeji finally acquire his cardkey to get the other phone

    As I said yesterday, this episode changes everything. Soo Jung can take advantage of what happened at the hospital and set Hyeji the blame. But the preview shows she might make use of both sisters. There’s alot I can say about today’s shocker episode, but after the scene between Hyewon and her real mother, why would she care about Hyeji’s childhood struggles and abuse now? If she’s trying to be honest, she must remember it started with her whisper….

    Hyewon is protecting a corrupt business family reputation and Hyeji sought to destroy it. Is Hyewon still trusting Oh Soo Jung? Hate to break this to Hyewon, but she shouldn’t have gaslighted Cha Ji Eun over Ji Cheng’s death. All her plans are starting to fall apart in this episode and now she’s preparing to refute Hyeji’s claims on Ep 87 preview.

    EDIT: San Deul should have been in the scene with both sisters and their mother. Missed opportunity from the showrunners….