In Cold Blood (2024) Episode 78

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  1. I donโ€™t really care who wins who loses as long as my jm gets wt he wants ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ฆ i donโ€™t like both female leads.

  2. Hye Won feels betrayed after learning that Hye Ji and Soo Jung are working together. Hye Ji plans to find the housekeeper Hye Won was hiding and stop the press conference where she will confess her wrongdoings. Meanwhile, Hye Ji tracks down the housekeeper’s daughter and offers her a once-in-a-lifetime deal.

  3. To those who are watching this drama:
    This will be replaced by SCANDAL which stars
    Han Chae Yong.

  4. Subs not out yet, but I had watched it raw moments ago on KBS Drama with captions. This episode is going to be rage inducted to anyone on Hyewon’s side.

    So…..Ja Young aka Cha Ji Eun’s daughter visited the House of Yoon and called Yoon Yi Chul out on what really happened the night of Ji Chang’s death. Arguing that it’s accidental manslaughter (But Ji Chang’s body broke the fall on the car’s windshield and it really wasn’t Cha Ji Eun’s fault. The guy was trying to kill Hyeji and ended up beaten in self defense) They discuss the fallout on their 20 year relationship and this is where Min Jayoung learned that Hyeji instigated a murder. As Jayoung and the ghost of Oh Soo Hyang aka Soo Jung discuss what to do about Hyeji, Hyeji told them she already got rid of the recorder on her conversation with Kyang Ja.(even thought, the murderer was already dead) Not mentioning the fact that Hyewon harbored the murder to harsh her mind you. Hyeji discuss about the maid witness whereabouts.

    The maid Park Ouja is in an apartment room given to by Hyewon and Jo Mu. She still promised to reveal the truth about Oh Soo Hyang’s death despite being the one who willingly take a bribe instead of being the one to call 911. Later, Hyeji and the forger(Whom I still don’t trust) had already found out the place of the witness whereabouts and prepare to send her and her daughter away from the country. Hyewon was unconscious from the assault. The witness refuses to be send away and threaten her captors and herself, but when Hyeji tried to disarm her…she accidently killed the witness. They tried to send her daughter away, but before that the Cha family used this incident to frame Hyewon for murder as payback for Ji Eun’s death. Even the officers investigating Hyewon were colluding with Min Jayoung giving false testimonies against Hyewon….

    What a mess….

    Me: I told you not to worry about the witness as she was guilty for bantering a bribe, but Soo Hyang’s death was natural causes. Now you and Hyewon are even on both accidental deaths you two are responsible for…. I didn’t expect the Cha’s wanted to frame Hyewon instead of exposing her on covering Ji Eun’s innocent.

    Hyeji: AHHHHHH!!!!!!

    Forger: Well crap happens hahaha! I got drunk! I swear I wasn’t completely focused. The plan was to send her out of the country alive!

    Me to the Forger: That’s why I don’t like you. You can call this a day and go become Min Ja Young’s bodyguard! Or how about I give you to Jo Mu as a present to punch something?



    Yeah things have gone out of control now.