In Cold Blood (2024) Episode 69

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  1. Yoon Yi Chul isn’t worth it for Hyeji anymore. He betrayed her first and led her into that ridiculous truck accident with the Cha family’s aid. It was Hyeji who made him get this far, he should compensate for her usefulness in harassing her sister and getting Baek Sung Yoon to team up with him against Chase. What’s a ‘faithful’ wife to him? He’s to blame for both his ex and his son’s deaths, not Hyeji.

    Please tell me San Deul gets more screentime on the next episode? The ghost of Oh Soon Hyung, Mi Sook, and the HJ/HW biological mother had been taking up most of his screentime in the drama. =/ They are the least liked characters here….

  2. Seriously
    that mother and her moron why on earth is she with them. That would be the last place I’d be. HW still in her primeπŸ™„ That old cow saying she should give the kid to that family. I guess if anybody would know about giving up on a kid it would he her. The two of them seem to be making themselves at home as well. I really have to keep my anger in check every time I see her on screen. That weak azz cat fight the aunt and mother had πŸ˜’ is that really the best they can doπŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ.

    πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„ That little talk SY gave himself at the end of the ep. seriously dude seriously I MEAN SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!! and it looks like from the preview of the next ep the fool ain’t giving up πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ

  3. The subs not up yet. If Sung Yoon wanted to protect HW, he also has to consider Yong Ki’s well being. His gambit almost cost HW’s custody for the kid….

    HW should just forget about YJ Group and live quietly with Yong Ki, but she wants everything. The preview here HJ looks frustrated with Yi Chul after HW got Yong Ki back. San Deul comes back in the next episode, but he’s still with HW’s company.