In Cold Blood (2024) Episode 54

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  1. HW should put her hair up in a bun like her MIL to look more professional and elegant. The 2 feather duster hanging down her head does not look nice at all. At mid-point, HJ is back to her tantrum screaming and throwing things around. Seriously I think this actress is only good at screaming and biting her lips in anger.

  2. Hye Won isn’t logical at all and I actually thought she would have been the sane one but it seems like she’s gone nuts too.

    Her emotional moves would jeopardize what ever plans she has.

  3. What was that coming out of Hye-Won’s mouth? Ji-Eun ran over Ji-Chang with her car and killed him? I thought that he fell out of the window while tyring to kill Hye-Ji and landed on Ji-Eun’s car. WTF! Are they using different scriptwrtiers and PD and who did not check the previous scripts?

  4. I wonder if they plan on having this fool slobbering after HW till the bitter end and only moving on in like the last ep.

  5. I don’t know if he’ll believe HW or not about who hit and killed his son. But I think even if he does believe it he’s still going to go hand in hand with this vile woman just to take HW down to get that company.
    All through this ep if I there was ever a need for someone to go mowing a man down with their car this was it.

  6. If they plan on making HW a big bad then they are doing a TERRIBLE JOB AT IT. Its laughable seeing her trying to sound and talk even a little bit tough.