In Cold Blood (2024) Episode 47

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  1. I wouldn’t put it past HJ being in a coma and staying in one out of pure spite🤣🤣 but I guess she’ll be waking up next ep.

    I hope they don’t go and try and reform that horror of a mother and that pos man she’s got.
    Everybody in this show is just awful to the core
    but as evil as she is I’m still team HJ 🤣🤣.

    Its really annoying how HW so docile 😒
    I wouldn’t care if they did just see the body don’t let that old bat talk to you like that.
    I get the feeling that character will be like that to the bitter end of this show.
    Yi Chul I’m so sick of him…. since they bumping people off why can’t he be next on the list to die and his mother as a bonus.

  2. Does it make sense that she z cryin fr that cheating bastard? 😂😂😂also blaming herself fr that. She z gonna end up in jail if she acts like an idiot. Wn ppl blame her shouldn’t she point out their crimes??

    I wouldn’t even go to visit cheating bastard n she z crying her hearts out🤯🤯🤯🤯 baffles me

  3. So JY…..dead?? 🤣😜 my my my and they’re blaming her??!!! That whole family deserves to go down in flames. Had his butt been faithfully & at home looking at his son, he cares so much about🙄🙄 then trying 2 kill some1 he’d won’t have died now would he!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. This drama isn’t playing around. 😭 4 people died in the span of 40 episodes! Maybe it will become a tragedy!

  5. WTF
    they killing people off left and right!!

    They literally dropping dead like flies in this freaking show!!