In Cold Blood (2024) Episode 21

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  1. ⚠ Spoilers Ahead!

    Let’s take stock of today’s key events and why they got up my arse, to the point I am on the verge of giving up on this drama.

    -Hye-won had not told Ji-Chang and his family about the audio file which had incriminated Hye-Ji

    -Still rushing about doing things on her own, not telling Ji-Chang, more of the Keep-It-Secret Syndrome

    – Got distracted by giving Hye-JI a lift home, on the way to meet up with Lim

    – Could have arranged for Lim to come to the funeral home and speak to the whole family, the best option. Why did she arrange to meet in secret? In a desolate place. The truth is buried: the audio file gone, and Lim is murdered.

    – The Sarang-Forever Syndrome. I thought the addition of that lawyer-clown, Baek Seong-Yoon would be something interesting, adding a great twist. It turned out Hye-Won was his love interest from years ago and he had not gotten over her so he came looking. She was not even interested in him and they had never touched finger tips, let alone had aerobics. What a sad, pathetic life he is living.

    So we have it, stupidity and more stupidity, laced with the usual Syndromes and nonsensical dialogues or the lack of it. Hye-won has a communication problem because she didn’t speak up when she should. Instead she resorted to slapping and collar grabbing. No, no, no, collar grabbing is for men only. It is slap slap and hair pulling for women, you bozo.

    Finally, a word about the actresses. Ha Yeon-Joo’s (Hye-Won) age is clearly showing, all 42 years of it. The other (Lee So-Yeon (Hye-Ji), though younger by five years, looked like she had mumps, her lower cheeks looked swollen. No eye candies to look at and drool over, so I am out. Annyeong!

  2. JC’s aunt is funny, she told YC to do a background check on BDE, but he is so oblivious… Another death, the artist Lin….
    It seems that HW and the lawyer knew each other from an art camp and he might had a crush on her. I can’t wait to see them together.
    In the preview, it looks like HW will find out she is pregnant, though JC’s grandmother told him not to have a child. According to the characters’ chart, they will have a child and I think that child (girl) will be child the monk shaman mentioned not long ago.
    The revenge won’t start until ep 40-50….

  3. Before Soo Hyang exposes the truth, she passes away due to a heart attack. Do Eun brazenly attends the funeral in a mourning dress, which makes Hye Won and Ji Chang infuriated. Hye Won quickly leaves the funeral after she gets a call from Dan Ung, and Do Eun tries to stop her. Meanwhile, Sung Yoon attends the funeral after hearing the news and runs into Hye Won.